Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Scott Adams and the Demise of Common Sense

Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, has announced on his blog that he'll be blogging less often. It seems that his original common sensical expectations about how the blog would turn out aren't coming out well at all.

They original expectations included:

1. Advertising dollars
2. Compiling the best posts into a book.
3. Growing the audience for Dilbert
4. Artistic satisfaction.

Of these, only number 4 has worked out. RSS has made visitors go around the ads, the book hasn’t done all that well, and the audience for Dilbert hasn’t been correlated at all with the growth of the blog. As the blog has exploded, the benefits to him haven’t. So he’s talking about blogging less often. It’s a great illustration of how common sense is a lousy predictor of future events. Viva testing and statistics.

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